Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Back at it again... Week 15

So I took a few months off from paying attention to my weight, and during that time I began to take Aikido classes. I gained some of the weight back, but these classes have helped me to begin losing again, surpassing where I was when I began my unintentional hiatus. I am trying to finish my dissertation and have been very busy, but these classes are helping me stay focused and eat better while getting some really good exercise. In order to keep up, I really need to do a lot more working out. I have gotten to the point where I can run for 30 minutes and now I am just trying to run fast enough to run a 5K in somewhat close to that time. I have to allow myself to take breaks when I need to, so I am just going to pick up where I left off and push my goal date back 3 months since that’s how long my break was. Even if I take a break after 15 or 20 pounds again, as long as I come back to it, I count that as a win. I am beginning again where I left off and not having to make up for anything, so I am happy!

Starting Weight (May 25, 2009): 285 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39.7
Weight Last Weigh in: (August 24, 2009) 271 lbs.
Weight Today (August 31, 2009): 269.5 lbs.
Current BMI: 37.5

Weight Change This Week: -1.5 lbs.
Total Weight Lost: 15.5 pounds
Loss Streak: 1 week in a row
Longest Streak: 6 weeks in a row
NEXT GOAL: 260 lbs. (9.5 lbs. to go)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Weeks 13 and 14

In the last 2 weeks I’ve lost a pound each week again. I’m on week 6 of the “couch to 5K” (http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml) The last day of week 5 is to run 20 minutes straight and I can’t believe that I did it! I’m pretty happy losing a pound a week, as long as it keeps up. My goal is to lose 100 lbs. in 2 years, so I’m right on track. I find myself not as hungry and eating less the more I work out. I haven’t been going to the gym and need to start that back up again. Just the running has been working for me, but I know it will be even better to go to the gym on my off days at least.

Starting Weight (May 25, 2009): 285 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39.7
Weight Last Weigh in: (August 24, 2009) 272 lbs.
Weight Today (August 31, 2009): 271 lbs.
Current BMI: 37.8

Weight Change This Week: -1 lbs.
Total Weight Lost: 14 pounds
Loss Streak: 4 weeks in a row
Longest Streak: 6 weeks in a row
NEXT GOAL: 260 lbs. (11 lbs. to go)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Weeks 11 and 12

In the last 2 weeks I’ve lost a pound each. I’ve started week 5 of the “couch to 5K” (http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml) Working out and being somewhat careful with what I eat has helped give me consistent losses the last couple of weeks, and it seems easy enough to keep it up. I’ll just keep plugging away at it… gym 2 – 3 times a week and running 3 times a week. If I hit a plateau, which I’m sure is coming, my plan is to ramp up that gym time to 4 times a week and doing the elliptical machine on my days off from running.

Starting Weight (May 25, 2009): 285 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39.7
Weight Last Weigh in: (August 10, 2009) 274 lbs.
Weight Today (August 17, 2009): 273 lbs.
Current BMI: 38.1

Weight Change This Week: -1 lbs.
Total Weight Lost: 12 pounds
Loss Streak: 2 weeks in a row
Longest Streak: 6 weeks in a row
NEXT GOAL: 260 lbs. (13 lbs. to go)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Week 10 Weigh In

I feel pretty good that I only gained .5 of a pound these last few weeks that I haven’t been working out. I am going to hit the gym and get through week 3 of the “couch to 5K” (http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml) I’m feeling great and I feel like I am starting over again 10 lbs down from where I started. I can take on these next 15 lbs. from where I am now, instead of at the beginning. I feel like I am at a save game spot and I can just work from here now. I’m very happy with my progress and now I’m just going to work hard to hitting my next goal!

Starting Weight (May 25, 2009): 285 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39.7
Weight Last Weigh in: (July 27, 2009) 274.5 lbs.
Weight Today (August 3, 2009): 275 lbs.
Current BMI: 38.4

Weight Change This Week: +.5 lbs.
Total Weight Lost: 10 pounds
Loss Streak: 0 weeks in a row
Longest Streak: 6 weeks in a row
NEXT GOAL: 260 lbs. (15 lbs. to go)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Week 9 Weigh In: Damage Undone!

Well I undid the damage of the last couple of weeks this week. I am feeling better each day and will try week 3 of the “Couch to 5K” program (http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml) probably on Wednesday or Thursday. I want to make sure I am all the way better before I do too much. I haven’t been eating nearly as much while I’ve been sick which is a great thing. Usually I overeat because I seem hungry, but I am trying hard to match what I eat to how much energy I am using. The only way to lose weight while I’m sick is to do it with what I eat since I can’t exercise.

Starting Weight (May 25, 2009): 285 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39.7
Weight Last Weigh in: (July 20, 2009) 278 lbs.
Weight Today (July 27, 2009): 274.5 lbs.
Current BMI: 38.4

Weight Change This Week: -3.5 lbs.
Total Weight Lost: 10.5 pounds
Loss Streak: 1 weeks in a row
Longest Streak: 6 weeks in a row
NEXT GOAL: 260 lbs. (14.5 lbs. to go)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 7 & 8 Weigh-ins

Well, the last two weeks I haven’t done very well at all. I gained a couple of pounds each week but I am hoping my next weigh-in in the next day or 2 will be good news. I have been out of town and got sick which are two things that often trigger weight gain for me. I haven’t been running and hope I can continue back on week 3 of the “Couch to 5K” plan, which is where I left off. I worked out a couple of days ago and it went well with good weight lifting and 15 minutes on the elliptical machine, which means I will hopefully not miss a beat this week. I am still getting over the flu, but I hope I will be better in a couple of days.

Starting Weight (May 25, 2009): 285 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39.7
Weight Last Weigh in: (July 13, 2009) 276 lbs.
Weight Today (July 20, 2009): 278 lbs.
Current BMI: 38.8

Weight Change This Week: +2 lbs.
Total Weight Lost: 7 pounds
Loss Streak: 0 weeks in a row
Longest Streak: 6 weeks in a row
NEXT GOAL: 260 lbs. (18 lbs. to go)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Week 6 Weigh In... 1st Goal Met!!!

I met my first goal of 10 pounds lost and I finished my second week of the “Couch to 5K” program this week! (http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml). I lifted weights 2 times this week and hope to do better than that this week, but everything seems to be working well together. To lose weight over a holiday week is a great thing for me. I got some new running shoes to reward myself for finishing my first goal… the next reward will be a massage!

Starting Weight (May 25, 2009): 285 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39.7
Weight Last Weigh in: (June 29, 2009) 276 lbs.
Weight Today (July 6, 2009): 274.5 lbs.
Current BMI: 38.4

Weight Change This Week: -1.5 lbs.
Total Weight Lost: 10.5 pounds
Loss Streak: 6 weeks in a row
NEXT GOAL: 260 lbs. (14.5 lbs. to go)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Week 5 Weigh In

I didn’t really do very well on my second week of the “Couch to 5K” program I am starting… again (http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml). I did do it one day in the mountains, and it was a killer and I was sore for the rest of the week. I did start it again this week however, and while it is harder than week 1, it is still quite manageable. I am starting to lift weights this week in addition to the running. I am taking protein shakes and I feel like eating better when I am doing other healthy activity. I am stoked about losing 2 pounds this week while out of town and not running much. I feel good about my progress this week and I am looking forward to having another good one!

Starting Weight (May 25, 2009): 285 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39.7
Weight Last Weigh in: (June 22, 2009) 278 lbs.
Weight Today (June 29, 2009): 276 lbs.
Current BMI: 38.5

Weight Change This Week: -2 lbs.
Total Weight Lost: 9 pounds
Goal Streak: 5 weeks in a row
NEXT GOAL: 275 lbs. (1 lbs. to go)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Week 4 Weigh In

I was actually kind of surprised that I only lost 1 pound this week. I completed the first week of the “Couch to 5K” program I am starting… again (http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml). I haven’t been lifting weights yet, but I have been getting the cardio in. I’ll take a pound, as long as they keep coming off! I am going to the mountains for the week and hopefully when I get back I’ll be another pound or two down. I’m going to try really hard to do the second week of “Couch to 5K” in the mountains, but it is a few thousand feet higher than where I live, so it may be tough. I have found some additional channels of support, so I hope those help as well.

Starting Weight (May 25, 2009): 285 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39.7
Weight Last Weigh in: (June 15, 2009) 279 lbs.
Weight Today (June 22, 2009): 278 lbs.
Current BMI: 38.8

Weight Change This Week: -1 lbs.
Total Weight Lost: 7 pounds
Goal Streak: 4 weeks in a row
NEXT GOAL: 275 lbs. (3 lbs. to go)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Week 3 Weigh In

One pound lost this week… I think I was pretty dehydrated though, so I’m looking for another 2 pounds or so next week. We will see on Monday. I got blood work back from the doctor and need to make an appointment to talk about the results. It doesn’t look too good though… most stuff is in the middle, but a couple of things are kinda high. I’m pretty sure losing weight would fix it all pretty easily. I am on a good streak and have been trying harder to think about what I am eating. I will be in the mountains next week, and that should be fine for my weight loss efforts. I am also meeting with a group on Monday that is concerned with getting healthy and holding each other accountable.

Starting Weight (May 25, 2009): 285 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39.7
Weight Last Weigh in: (June 8, 2009) 280 lbs.
Weight Today (June 15, 2009): 279 lbs.
Current BMI: 38.9

Weight Change This Week: -1 lbs.
Total Weight Lost: 6 pounds
Goal Streak: 3 weeks in a row
NEXT GOAL: 275 lbs. (4 lbs. to go)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Week 2 Weigh-in

Well… after traveling, I hit a new all-time high of 285 pounds. Since then I have lost 5 of those pounds and have been doing a good job the last 2 weeks. One of those weeks I was out of town. I have been really concentrating on portion control and have been drinking protein shakes this week. I have been making some goals and want to find some ways to reward myself if I meet those goals. I am thinking of setting goals at 275, 260, 250, 235, 225, 200, 190, and 175. This way each 10 pounds and 25 pounds lost will result in some kind of reward. Has this kind of thing worked for anyone else? I am still on the road to discovering how to beat this weight thing!

Starting Weight (May 25, 2009): 285 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39.7
Weight Last Weigh in: (June 1, 2009) 282 lbs.
Weight Today (June 8, 2009): 280 lbs.
Current BMI: 39

Weight Change This Week: -2 lbs.
Total Weight Lost: 5 pounds
Goal Streak: 2 weeks in a row

NEXT GOAL: 275 lbs. (5 lbs. to go)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Week 2 Weigh-In

I had a great week and a terrible weekend... luckily the week was good enough to knock off a pound even though I sabotaged myself big time once the weekend hit. My Birthday is this week, so I will be happy if I can work out a few times and not screw up too bad. Stress is a killer! Well, the scale is still moving in the right direction, so I just have to work for at least another pound this week!

Starting Weight (Apr. 27, 2009): 280 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39
Weight Last Weigh in: (May 4, 2009) 278 lbs.
Weight Today (May 11, 2009): 277 lbs.
Current BMI: 38.7

Weight Change This Week: -1 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 3 pounds
Goal Streak: 2 weeks in a row

NEXT GOAL: 270 lbs. (7 lbs. to go)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Week 1 Weigh-In

Well, 2 pounds down this first week! I have been going to the gym every other day and doing more cardio and weight lifting each day. I feel so much better and I haven't gotten sick or anything like I sometimes do when i start working out. I went to the gym at lunch time today and am going running again tonight, and I ate a pretty healthy lunch! It's easy to be motivated at first, I think I need to identify when I start making bad choices.

Starting Weight (Apr. 27, 2009): 280 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39
Weight Last Weigh in: (Apr. 27, 2009) 280 lbs.
Weight Today (May. 4, 2009): 278 lbs.
Current BMI: 38.8

Weight Change This Week: -2 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 2 pounds
Goal Streak: 1 weeks in a row

NEXT GOAL: 270 lbs. (8 lbs. to go)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I fear change... I guess

So, I've gone up and down within 10 pounds for the last year plus and really have made little to no progress. My blood pressure is high and i am really starting to feel the effects of being overweight! I need to change, but somehow my discipline or will-power is sooo poor. I know it isn't supposed to be easy, but I get so angry at myself for choosing the easy way or the lazy way through the day! So I weighed myself on Monday and I was back to 280 again so i watched what I ate for the most part this week and went to the gym twice. I feel good about this week and I'm sore and all that good stuff, but I have lost all confidence in myself to keep this up. I really don't know what to do to really make the lasting change that I need. All I know is to try to work out every day and count calories every day and drink lots of water etc. So, I guess I just have to start over again and hope it takes this time. I wish I could figure out what is stopping me from making the changes I need... maybe it would be good to go and talk to a counselor or something to find out what I can do mentally! I HAVE to be healthier!!! I'll check back in on Monday...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Week 2 Weigh-In

Well, one big victory this week was that I counted my calories every day. I went over quite often, but at least I was close and was counting. My numbers may be a bit skewed this week because I am struggling with the flu. However, it was a good week and I lost a couple of pounds.

Starting Weight (Feb. 16, 2009): 280 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39
Weight Last Weigh in: (Feb. 23, 2009) 279 lbs.
Weight Today (Mar. 2, 2009): 277 lbs.
Current BMI: 38.7

Weight Change This Week: -2 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 3 pounds
Goal Streak: 2 weeks in a row
NEXT GOAL: 255 lbs. (22 lbs. to go)

Saturday, February 28, 2009


I did very good on calories today and was recovering from snowboarding so I didn't work out. I'm hoping to make it to the gym tomorrow or work out somehow.

Calories: 1492
Exercise: none


I went snowboarding today and really found out what terrible shape I am in. This was the worst snowboarding outing that I have had since I was learning. My muscles were giving out, I was constantly out of breath, it sucked. If I keep meeting my goals, I will be down at least 30 pounds by the time the next season starts and that will make a huge difference.

Calories: 1935
Exercise: Snowboarding


I ate decently today but decided not to work out because I am going snowboarding tomorrow! I'm pumped!!!

Calories: 2185
Exercise: FAIL (getting ready for snowboarding tomorrow)

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I was about 700 calories over and then I went to a friends house at night instead of the gym and while I was there I had a couple of beers and an elk burger he made, just cuz I wanted to try it. So...

Eating: Fail!
Working out: Fail!

Thursday will be a better day! I am going snowboarding for the first time this season on Friday, so that will be a good workout! It will be even better if my calories stay in a good area.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


2246 calories... not bad
exercise: lifted weights, upper body... good

i'm right at about 2000 calories for the day which is good, could be better, but not bad...

Week 1 Weigh-In

Well, this week was fine... just so busy. Not cooking much just yet, but soon i will make the time to start learning some easy stuff. I lost a pound and I can't complain about any loss and I wasn't really expecting it. I think I am going to try to post my exercise and calories on my blog each day... that can help to keep me more accountable. Thanks again to Charles for giving me a kick in the butt this morning about posting. He is really helping me in this.

Starting Weight (Feb. 16, 2009): 280 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39
Weight Last Weigh in: (Feb. 16, 2009) 280 lbs.
Weight Today (Feb. 23, 2009): 279 lbs.
Current BMI: 38.9

Weight Change This Week: -1 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 1 pound
Goal Streak: 1 week in a row
NEXT GOAL: 255 lbs. (24 lbs. to go)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I have some victories in the last few months and i want to celebrate those victories while adding some additional goals to them. The victories I have attained are not enough to get me where I want to be, and I realize that, but they are a few steps in the right direction. I have done a pretty good job in the last 3 months with checking in once a week, thanks to my friend Charles who keeps me accountable. There have been a few times that I have missed, but I never missed 2 weeks in a row. That's one key that is going well. I also found some very successful tools such as counting calories that I will also continue to do. 1 big thing that i am going to add this time around is cooking at home rather than trying to lose weight eating out all the time. I bought some tools and pots and pans to do this and have some recipes that my girlfriend and I are going to try to learn how to cook. I think adding this to my current activities will help. I also have to work out more... that's a big deal. Continuing to post each week while doing better at counting calories and working out as well as learning to cook and doing it more should help me move further in the right direction. I just can't look at 3 months with little to no progress anymore without feeling down about myself. It's time to start over again.

Starting Weight (Feb. 16, 2009): 280 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week 9 and 10 Weigh in

I have been the same weight the last two weeks which is just a pound up from the week before that. I have been so busy traveling, doing church stuff, and trying to get on top of my school work, that I have put little effort into eating right and working out. I do what I can, but I am pleased with only 1 pound gained in these two weeks. I am starting to work on the Couch to 5k again and doing better each workout when it comes to cardio. I just need to be more consistent and I'll be doing well. I have much work to get done, so I'm gonna keep this brief.

Starting Weight (Nov. 17, 2008): 280 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39
Weight Last Weigh in: (Jan. 12, 2009) 274.5 lbs.
Weight Today (Jan. 26, 2009): 275.5 lbs.
Current BMI: 38.5

Weight Change This Week: +1 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 4.5 pounds
Goal Streak: 0 week in a row
NEXT GOAL: 255 lbs. (20.5 lbs. to go)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Week 8 Weigh In

I had a great week this week, almost undoing all the damage i did over New Years. I'm teaching a class in Dallas this week and it is tough to eat really healthy, so it may be a worse week this week, but maybe I can things back on track before I have to weigh in again on Monday. It is so hard to be healthy when I travel, but maybe that is the next step after I get good habits at home. I can't beat myself up about it, but I hope I can at least break even this week and then i will be in good shape going into next week. I'm happy about last week for now and will celebrate that for now and not worry about the next weigh in until it happens. 3 pounds down this week, and lots of chances to make good choices for the rest of the week!

Starting Weight (Nov. 17, 2008): 280 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39
Weight Last Weigh in: (Jan. 5, 2009) 278.5 lbs.
Weight Today (Jan. 12, 2009): 275.5 lbs.
Current BMI: 38.4

Weight Change This Week: -3 lbs
Total Weight Lost: - 4.5 pounds
Goal Streak: 1 week in a row
NEXT GOAL: 255 lbs. (20.5 lbs. to go)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Week 7 Weigh In

Well, the good news is that I am checking in pretty regularly, the bad news is that I gained 4 pounds these last 2 weeks. Being on vacation and only working out once accounted for this. I am going to the gym and counting calories again today so I am back on track. Vacation is over. It's time to get back on track. Since I gained it pretty quickly, I am hoping it comes back off pretty quickly. We shall see, I'm feeling ok about it, so I'm hoping a positive attitude helps!

Starting Weight (Nov. 17, 2008): 280 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39
Weight Last Weigh in: (Dec. 22, 2008) 274.5 lbs.
Weight Today (Jan. 5, 2008): 278.5 lbs.
Current BMI: 38.8
Weight Change This Week: +4 lbs
Total Weight Lost: - 1.5 pounds
Goal Streak: 0 weeks in a row
NEXT GOAL: 255 lbs. (23.5 lbs. to go)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Week 5 and 6 Weigh In

Well, between being a preacher around Christmas and going on vacation, I am only having one post for the last two weeks. I weighed in last week and lost a half a pound. I worked out some while on vacation, but that's not going to make a dent in what i consumed i'm afraid. We will see, but I am bracing myself for some bad news on Monday. Regardless, i will weigh-in and post and deal with whatever the scale says and move on from there. I am motivated and ready to continue this journey no matter what happened while on vacation. We will see in a couple of days...

Starting Weight (Nov. 17, 2008): 280 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39
Weight Last Weigh in: (Dec. 15, 2008) 275 lbs.
Weight Today (Dec. 22, 2008): 274.5 lbs.
Current BMI: 38.3

Weight Change This Week: -.5 lbs
Total Weight Lost: - 5.5 pounds
Goal Streak: 0 weeks in a row
NEXT GOAL: 255 lbs. (19.5 lbs. to go)