Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Week 8 Weigh In

I had a great week this week, almost undoing all the damage i did over New Years. I'm teaching a class in Dallas this week and it is tough to eat really healthy, so it may be a worse week this week, but maybe I can things back on track before I have to weigh in again on Monday. It is so hard to be healthy when I travel, but maybe that is the next step after I get good habits at home. I can't beat myself up about it, but I hope I can at least break even this week and then i will be in good shape going into next week. I'm happy about last week for now and will celebrate that for now and not worry about the next weigh in until it happens. 3 pounds down this week, and lots of chances to make good choices for the rest of the week!

Starting Weight (Nov. 17, 2008): 280 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39
Weight Last Weigh in: (Jan. 5, 2009) 278.5 lbs.
Weight Today (Jan. 12, 2009): 275.5 lbs.
Current BMI: 38.4

Weight Change This Week: -3 lbs
Total Weight Lost: - 4.5 pounds
Goal Streak: 1 week in a row
NEXT GOAL: 255 lbs. (20.5 lbs. to go)


Andrew is getting fit said...

I've just managed to undo all the damage myself!

Good to see the progress on your end.

Ron said...

Congrats on the loss, eating out slows my progress down also!