Friday, February 9, 2018

Phase 1: When

The 5 W's of Journalism are: Who,What, When, Where, Why (and "How" but really then there are 6 and it doesn't start with a W, plus How is really a part of What if you are answering it fully). At some point I decided to become a journalist about my health. If I address each W gradually and strategically, I should be able to ease into having control over my health rather than letting circumstances control me and how I feel. As you can see by my blog this has been a long journey. I hope that I have weighed the most that I will ever weigh in my life. Hopefully this is the last time I have to write about this stuff. But writing helps. And your support helps. And if what I have been through and what I'm discovering can help other people, that makes this even more important than it already is.

I figure that if I actively do 5 things even if I mess up 1 or 2 I'm still being healthy. It provides what musicians call head room, or a cushion that provides some room for error and adjustment. Because this is difficult I will start with the one that's easiest for me.

When: Intermittent fasting is something that I've been getting into lately. It is the easiest of the healthy behaviors for me because it is about not doing something rather than doing something. It's super easy to not do something for me... the hard part is to change behavior because then you have to stop doing one thing and start doing another all while you are getting used to not having the original thing. So if I start by not eating outside of a 6 or 8 hour window, it's the easiest way to start. I'm not going to explain what all goes into IF (intermittent fasting) because there is all sorts of info by people that know way more than me. Do your own research... but I will tell you what I'm doing based on research that I've done. For a good into to IF check this out...

This is the first thing that I am focusing on and I will advance from a somewhat easy goal until I get to where I want to be. I will explain more about my plan in the next post.

Feb. 7, 2018             this week      total         to next goal        to total goal
Weight: 304.6 lbs       -4.2              -10.4         -4.6                       -104.6
Body Fat: 40.8%        -.2                -.6            -.8                           -20.8%
Water: 43.7%             +.2                                +17.3                 
Muscle: 33.9%           +.1               +.3            +1.1                       +16.1%
Bone Mass: 35.2         -.2                -.8             +1.8                      +4.8
BMI: 43.6                   -.6                 -1.4           -3.6                       -18.6
BMR: 3046                 +732 this is good news!

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