Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Goodbye Weight Watchers!

So my finger is finally all better and I got back into the gym last night! I feel like Weight Watchers is a waste of time and money for me right now. Part of my weight problem is that I don't have time to eat well and work out. By putting meetings into my schedule, it gives me even less time, plus the stuff we talk about rarely applies to someone like me with a lifestyle like mine. I need to start a Punk rock Weight watchers or something. So I am going to just eat well and work out and I think I am gonna be fine. I rarely write down my points anyway and I just feel like a failure paying money to stand on a scale and being bored for an hour. I'm planning on hitting the gym in a little bit, and I've been eating pretty well today. I have thought about counting calories instead of points... so I might do that. Things are good, the finger thing set me back way more than it should have!

1 comment:

Andrew is getting fit said...

Go for it. I reckon you can do it.