Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Emergency Room Fun!

I spent 8 hours in the emergency room on Friday night. I was really stupid and there was a spider bite or something on my finger so I poked at it... it got really infected. I was on my way to band practice on Friday and I decided just to run by urgent care and get a prescription for some antibiotics. To make a long story short the Dr. sent me to the emergency room immediately and I was there for 8 hours while they have me antibiotic shots, a tetanus shot, and 4 shots into my knuckle to numb my finger while they cut it open and dug out all of the poison and infection in my finger. Needless to say, the whole numbing thing didn't work so well and I definitely felt them cutting me open and digging around. All in all, it was a very long and painful night. It has been healing pretty well, but is still very sore. They gave me some Vicodin if that is any indication of the pain. I haven't been able to work out cuz I've been a bit drugged up, but I've been trying to eat well and hopefully it won't be too bad of a week!


Andrew is getting fit said...

Yikes! Hope it heals quickly.

John said...


Didn't your Mama ever tell you to 'not pick at it'?

Plus, you really should stop playing with spiders.

rev. dr. todd said...

lol @john... She did tell me that and she also told me to go to the doctor when things get infected. It actually turned out to be really serious, but it's pretty much all better now!