Friday, November 2, 2007

Back in the game!

Well, i've been out of town a lot lately and we all knows what that does to the idea of losing weight. I am finally getting back on track and started using Herbalife products again. I have lost weight many times in my life, but got tired of the soy taste of the shakes. They have improved the formula in a major way and I think it is working well. I finally got under 250 and then I messed it all up. I am afraid of what the scale is going to say, but I think I will get over it and just weigh myself today and see where I'm at.


Unknown said...

Just wanted to say thanks for your words of encouragement on our blog--meeting up with my pal in Santa Fe was a shot in the arm. It helped me get refocused. I also wanted to give you some encouragement too and say "keep fighting the good fight!" Your idea of journaling your weight loss is a great one...great job!

S said...

My best wishes toward your successful weight loss journey- and a journey it is- Lots of turns, trips and traps along the way. Don't let travel, schedule, or anything else get it your way!

Liza said...

Best of luck to you, I'm sure you can do it :). I'll definitely be checking back for updates.

Vanilla Soup

Rick Scheibner said...

This is a tough time of the year for weight loss of any kind, so keep at it even if you fall off the wagon a bit. Thanks for your comments over at Fatbloggers.
