Monday, December 1, 2008

Week 2 Weigh In

I'm on the right track. i lost 2.5 pounds this week which is amazing since it was Thanksgiving and I got sick and didn't work out. I have been counting calories and it has been working well. It's tough to keep up with, but totally worth it. I never realized how many calories some stuff has in it. It's really not too difficult to eat well and when I start exercising, the pounds should really come off! I'm going to have to research the minimum calories that I should be getting because I think my problem is that I get too many a lot of days and then hardly any at all and that makes the weight gain even worse.

Starting Weight (Nov. 17, 2008): 280 lbs.
Starting BMI: 39
Weight Last Weigh in: (Nov. 24, 2008) 279 lbs.
Weight Today (Dec. 1, 2008): 276.5 lbs.
Current BMI: 38.6

Weight Change This Week: -2.5 lbs
Total Weight Lost: - 3.5 pounds
Goal Streak: 2 weeks in a row
NEXT GOAL: 255 lbs. (21.5 lbs. to go)

1 comment:

Ron said...

Congrats on the nice loss!