Thursday, August 21, 2008

Starting Over

OK, so here I am a year later. I am supposed to be 100 pounds lighter, but I am in the same place I was a year ago. It's time to start over with new goals. I keep asking myself, "What is going to be different this year?" Life continues to get in the way of my health and I know it needs to stop. I lost over 25 pounds only to gain it back. Maybe 100 pounds in a year was overwhelming, maybe setting a more attainable goal of 50 pounds in a year is better. Seriously, if I lose 100 pounds in 2 years, that's still pretty amazing and I will be where I want to be. Maybe I am too inpatient, perhaps too willing to settle for quick fixes instead of really doing what it takes to live a healthy lifestyle. So the journey begins again. I am done feeling sorry for myself, I am done beating myself up. I am going to erase this past year and start over. Today is the first day of the rest of my life... again!

1 comment:

Andrew is getting fit said...

I think just take it a day at a time.

If you can get 1 day right then you can get 2 days right and so forth. It's what I do.