Saturday, May 2, 2009

I fear change... I guess

So, I've gone up and down within 10 pounds for the last year plus and really have made little to no progress. My blood pressure is high and i am really starting to feel the effects of being overweight! I need to change, but somehow my discipline or will-power is sooo poor. I know it isn't supposed to be easy, but I get so angry at myself for choosing the easy way or the lazy way through the day! So I weighed myself on Monday and I was back to 280 again so i watched what I ate for the most part this week and went to the gym twice. I feel good about this week and I'm sore and all that good stuff, but I have lost all confidence in myself to keep this up. I really don't know what to do to really make the lasting change that I need. All I know is to try to work out every day and count calories every day and drink lots of water etc. So, I guess I just have to start over again and hope it takes this time. I wish I could figure out what is stopping me from making the changes I need... maybe it would be good to go and talk to a counselor or something to find out what I can do mentally! I HAVE to be healthier!!! I'll check back in on Monday...


Ron said...

Welcome back! It is tough and you really have to make that committment to want to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle. It's never easy. I will say that blogging almost daily has helped me alot.

Andrew is getting fit said...

Amen to that!