Monday, March 10, 2008

Good start to the week!

So I found these podcasts that go with the couch to 5k program. They really help because somehow without a watch to look at the time goes WAY faster! I started on week 1 again because I am only going to move on to the next week if I complete the workout at least 3 times in a week. I figure that gives me motivation and a sense of accomplishment! I went to the gym tonight so I got 2 cardio workouts and some weights! It was a very good day!


Andrew is getting fit said...

The podcasts really help while you are doing the intervals for the first 6 weeks. After that you will probably choose to listen to your own music unless you particularly like Robert's stuff.

I managed to do my first 5K run yesterday as part of C25K so I can testify that it works. :)

rev. dr. todd said...

that's awesome dude! Great job!